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Our Practice Areas
Rigg Law Firm provides highly personalized legal services inside and outside of the courtroom. We have a variety of services customized to fit your specific needs.

Personal Injury
Known for our ability to work with medical providers and insurance companies alike, the RLF team will ease the strain a car accident can have on your health, finances, and stress level. You focus on getting better - we'll take care of the rest. Personal injury consultations are always free.
Common Injuries Sustained in Auto Accidents
The National Safety Council estimates 38,300 people were killed and 4.4 million injured on U.S. roads in 2015, which saw the largest one-year percentage increase in half a century.
With auto accident-related injuries on the rise, you and your loved ones need to take the necessary steps to ensure your injuries and loss of income are properly compensated. Below you will find a list of injuries commonly seen in auto injuries.
If you or a loved one were involved in an auto accident and have suffered an injury as a result of the accident, please contact our office today.

Rigg Law Firm
Typically derived from severe crashes, brain injuries are among the most severe injuries caused by an auto accident. Brain damage is usually caused by an injury to the brain, which causes swelling, bruising, bleeding, skull fracture, or nerve damage.
Traumatic brain injuries can be temporary or permanent. Length of recovery aside, a brain injury of any variety significantly impacts the accident victim as well as their family.
Broken bones or bone fractures are commonly seen in severe accidents. While generally treatable, broken bones can cause extreme pain and discomfort during the healing process. During the impact of a severe accident, the passengers of the vehicle may be unable to withstand the crash causing the bones to break, requiring immediate medical attention.
Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries and occurs when the neck and head jerk in opposite directions upon impact. Both severe and minor head and neck injuries are seen in the majority of accidents.
Injuries like a concussion are usually treatable and are temporary, while injuries such as traumatic brain damage are much more severe and possibly permanent.
Lacerations and burns are often suffered by those involved in an auto accident. While these injuries can take a long period to heal, they are rarely debilitating. Unfortunately, lacerations and burns often leave scars on the accident victims.
Paralysis can occur in severe auto accidents. Victims may suffer from paraplegia, paraparesis, or quadriplegia, all of which cause permanent disabilities. Permanent disabilities are among the worst types of injuries that an accident victim can sustain. If your auto accident has resulted in paralysis, a Personal Injury Attorney is a critical component of your recovery.
Symptoms of a spinal cord injury may not manifest for days following an accident. The delay in the appearance of symptoms of spinal cord damage may contribute to the severity of this type of injury.
For this reason, accident victims must seek medical treatment following an accident, regardless of what type of injuries may or may not be felt at that time. The most common spinal cord injuries are associated with fractures, ruptured discs, sprains, lumbar spine injury, and thoracic spine injury.
Wrongful death occurred when the injuries sustained in an auto accident lead to a fatality. While money can never replace the undeniable feeling of loss, the family of the deceased may be entitled to recover financially for their loss. Medical bills, funeral expenses, as well as lost wages, pain, and suffering, all can help achieve financial compensation for the family who has experienced this type of loss.
Estate Planning
A correctly laid out and legal binding Estate Plan is crucial to ensuring your loved ones are prepared and can honor your healthcare as well as financial wishes. It is never too soon to start planning for your future. See our estate planning tab for more information about how an estate plan can help you.
A will goes into effect only after you die and still passes through probate. A will allows you to name a guardian for children and to specify funeral arrangements and covers any property that is only in your name when you die. It does not cover property held in joint tenancy or a trust.
A trust takes effect as soon as you create it and can be used to begin distributing property before death, at death, or afterward. A trust covers only property that has been transferred to the trust and passes outside of probate, so a court does not need to oversee the process, which saves time and money.
Unlike a will, which becomes part of the public record, a trust can remain private and can be used to plan for disability or to provide savings on taxes.
An estate consists of all property owned by you at the time of your death.
- Real estate
- Bank accounts
- Stocks and other investments
- Life insurance policies
- Retirement accounts
- Personal property such as automobiles, jewelry, artwork, antiques, and collectibles
The formal process of proving a will, which is overseen by the Court.
Regardless of your age or the size and complexity of your estate, an estate plan can accomplish the following.
- Identify the family members and other loved ones that you wish to receive your property after your death
- Ensure that your property will be transferred to those you have identified, as quickly and with as few legal hurdles as possible
- Minimize the amount of taxes that will need to be paid for your property to pass to others after your death
- Avoid the time and costs associated with the probate process by utilizing estate planning devices like living trusts and "payable on death" bank
accounts - Dictate the kinds of life-prolonging medical care you wish to receive should you be unable to make your wishes known when the time comes
- Set forth the kind of funeral arrangements you would like, and how related expenses are to be paid
Understanding the estate plan options that are right for you can be a complex undertaking. This is why it is so important to have an experienced Estate Planning Attorney review and prepare your Estate Plan.
Business Law
There are two people any business should have readily available to assist at any time, an accountant and an attorney. An attorney is crucial to ensuring that your business stays clear of liability concerns and can save tens of thousands of dollars by preventing common legal concerns business owners nationwide face.
In most cases, lawsuits are preventable if legal advice is sought regularly. The fee an attorney will charge to keep you out of trouble is significantly less than the fees accrued in a lawsuit and settlement.
An attorney who can understand your business and industry quickly and prepare the standard form contracts you will need with customers, clients, and suppliers is a critical component of ensuring all of the legal contracts generated from your business are legally binding and clearly stated.
An attorney can also aid in responding to contracts that other people will want you to sign. A careful review of these contracts is critical in ensuring your business is treated fairly and isn't contractually obligated for an unwanted service.
The first and most crucial decision any business owner will make is how to organize their business formation. An attorney who can help decide what the best option would be for your business, whether a corporation or limited liability company (LLC), is one of the top reasons business owners initially seek legal advice.

Additionally, The Rigg Law Firm offers mediation services for a variety of legal needs. Known for our objectivity, honesty, and fairness, RLF is uniquely suited to mediate.